Seeing What Matters | Astrology Horoscope

Seeing What Matters | Astrology Horoscope

A friendly Aquarius Moon on Monday May 7 will set the cosmic tone this week; encouraging a deep yearning for space and individuality. Have you thought about what you've been truly craving and striving for lately? If not.. take this moment and think about it. Announce it. Say it out loud. Put it into words. Or... share it in the comments section below.

As vision is challenged this week, our direction may not be as clear as we had originally thought. With Jupiter retrograde, it may prove to be helpful if we were to pause and take a moment to be grateful for all that we have encountered and experienced so far. But if for some reason, gratitude can not be found; then troubled trials will be around the corner, where mistakes can be an opportunity to restructure and rebuild responsibilities under Saturn retrograde.

The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure. Sven Goran Eriksson

If our own uniqueness hasn't been sought or embraced as of yet, we could experience some sort of resistance in the coming days. Without knowing our own originality, our authentic self, and the personal cravings that come along with it; seeing forward, and from an open mind, could be difficult. This confusion can cause defensiveness, which may lead to a disagreement or a competitive quarrel; stemming from a fear of change, especially under the Mercury/Pluto square on Monday May 7, and Mercury/Mars square on Saturday May 12.

If we are so automatically programmed to our own approach in matters, we can fail to recognize what is actually standing in our way. So rather than assume, respond and/or react; perhaps we can try listening to what is being communicated. Instead of swallowing the information down as a whole... gently slice and dissect the data into small, edible details. Get familiar with what you're about to consume and digest. In doing so, we could be doing ourselves a great favor under the hopeful Venus/Neptune square on Monday 7 and an over-giving Sun/Jupiter opposition on Tuesday May 8.

So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning. Morrie Schwartz

If we can accept the challenge; bravely paving a new road (Mars) toward a stronger future - we can experience a unique sense of individual growth under the passionate Aries Moon, an empowering Sun/Pluto trine on Friday May 11 and a brilliant Mercury/Uranus trine on Sunday May 13. Otherwise...  what we have never thought to look for; would never be found.

Mercury enters Taurus. Unexpected winds will cause another shift in direction, so that another path may be found as Mercury (thoughts, communications, journey) exits from bold Aries, and enters practical Taurus on Sunday May 13. We'll be more grounded and serious with what we're looking for, as we seek for what remains useful, of good value, durable and long-lasting. Starcana weekly tarot: Empowered by our own resources. [FourWands/TenWands] For more insight, check out the May Tarotscope. Peace... Suzi xx 

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