Starcana Horoscope | May 17-23


To understand what we genuinely need to let go, then to start the change that we’ve been praying for… we could be successfully guided forward under the intense Sun/Pluto trine on Monday May 17 and a practical Venus/Saturn trine Wednesday May 19.

In surrendering this heavy baggage that we’ve been dragging around with us for awhile; our energy will lighten, while footing stabilizes - providing us with some balance again. Then Sun (identity, ego) joins Mercury (thoughts, communications, short journeys) and Venus (values, love, money) in free-spirited Gemini on Thursday May 20. With Sun in Gemini during the next four weeks, we’ll be led into communications, mobility, curiosity, flexibility and fresh information. 

As we bravely flutter to taste the buffet of life - utilize challenges as opportunities, to gain an updated perspective and to learn something new with the excessive Sun/Jupiter square on Friday May 21 and the daydreamy Mercury/Neptune square Saturday May 22.

Wherever we eventually land, in regards to ‘challenges’ vs ‘opportunities’; the experience will provide its own guidance as restrictive Saturn (duties, discipline) stations retrograde on Sunday May 23. Under the next five months of Saturn Retrograde, there will be a pause in our efforts to build - so that we can face our fear with responsibilities, authorities and long-term goals. As the fear subsides (with serious hands-on work), we’ll be able to re-blueprint, renegotiate, and restructure ambitions to strengthen the foundation of our hopes, dreams, ambitions, social connections and participation with the community.

Weekly tarot message: Stepping up to get the job done. [QueenWands/TenWands]. For additional insight, check out the May Tarotscope. Peace. Suzi

PS Wishing a happy anniversay to my amazing husband Joe, I love you. #OverThreeDecades

Professional, intuitive readings, with advice and guidance are available with Suzi Dronzek at: 724-832-9283 | ©2021 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+


Starcana Horoscope | May 24-30


Starcana Horoscope | May 10-16