Starcana Horoscope | May 10-16


We’re continuing to ‘test the waters’ as Mars transits Cancer, by carefully stepping ‘to and fro’ and from ‘side to side’ - kindly paving a gentle path to where we’re going. 

Shielded in armor, with our sensitive feelers extended… we’ll pause beneath the Taurus New Moon on Tuesday May 11. In this darkness, take a few minutes to close our eyes and listen intently to her quiet power. Let your thoughts wander to where your next goal leads. If outer noises are a distraction, try harder to adjust focus inwardly, towards the heart. Listen to her cries and hunger for comfort, steadiness and stability. If we can nurture this energy within ourselves… we can build patience, consistency and dependability; to build whatever we’re dreaming of and wishing for - especially with the assistance of a successful Mars/Uranus sextile. Reflect on the natural beauty of your courage and strength, which is encouraging you to persist and carry on. Visualize and make a wish.

With hope and our attempt(s) in making our dreams and wishes come true, Jupiter (expansion, fortune, abundance) will exit from fixed Aquarius and enter in the healing, mystical waters of Pisces on Thursday May 13. With Jupiter in Pisces, we’ll have an opportunity for tremendous growth and great expansion, through surrender, forgiveness and acceptance. May your journey be blessed with poetry, magick and love.

Weekly tarot message: Assessing the damage. [Tower/KnightPentacles]. For additional insight, check out the May Tarotscope. Peace. Suzi

Intuitive readings, advice and soulful guidance are available, call Suzi Dronzek at: 724-832-9283 | ©2021 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+


Starcana Horoscope | May 17-23


Starcana Horoscope | May 3-9