Starcana Horoscope | May 3-9


Mercury will float into the breezy winds of Gemini on Monday May 3. Venus will join Mercury in friendly Gemini on Saturday May 8. In the next few weeks; our thoughts, communications and short journeys will experience a fresh sense of curiosity, confidence and cleverness with Mercury in Gemini. As we explore this open-mindedness, we’re likely to be pleasantly distracted; which can help us to break free from daily routines and limiting habits. 

In freeing up a little space for ourselves, we may notice how our values, love and money are beginning to shift. We may find a new appreciation (or a sense of indulgence) in being lighthearted, cooperative and flirtatious. Creativity, multi-tasking and variety will seem limitless with Venus in Gemini. Like the social butterfly, we’ll be able to flow from one idea to another… effortlessly design a few projects at one time… or share our affection simultaneously with a lover or two… or three. 

Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we’re proud of. Some will haunt us forever. The message: we are what we chose to be. Graham Brown

Enjoying the pleasures of life is always interesting and fun, but it may be helpful to remember that our choices have consequences. We may want - what we want - but things could get a bit turbulent with an impatient Mercury/Jupiter square and difficult Sun/Saturn square on Monday May 3, and the self-gratifying Venus/Jupiter square on Saturday May 8. What we’re attracting and drawn to, will be intensifying with the magnetic Venus/Pluto trine on Thursday, May 6. We may be so concentrated on the prize, that we could lose focus of what (or who) we’re stepping on, to please ourselves. Stay mindful and kind.

Weekly tarot message: Thoughtfulness is rewarded. [SixWands/SevenCupsRx]. Check out your tarot card in the May Tarotscope. Peace. Suzi

Compliment this weekly forecast with an intuitive reading, personalized advice or soulful guidance with Suzi Dronzek: 724-832-9283 | ©2021 Starcana, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Only 18+


Starcana Horoscope | May 10-16


Tarotscope | May 2021