Fountain of Fire | Astrology Horoscope

Fountain of Fire | Starcana Cosmic Dirt, Astrology Horoscope

It’s an interesting time as we’ve entered into a new chapter with awakening Uranus in Taurus; while transformative Pluto, imaginative Neptune, responsible Saturn, abundant Jupiter and creative Mars are in retrograde motion. Life could feel as if it's paused or moving backwards, as we're encouraged to reconnect with ourself. All that we have known, done and become, might feel as life is being turned inside out, as a different assortment of situations areas are returning and being shifted into a different sort of light.

If we can find a sense of calm in the way that each of us are being exposed at this time, there's a good chance that we could learn a lot about who we are, through some of our past choices, and the reason for the road that we’ve been following.

In the garden of gentle sanity, May you be bombarded by coconuts of wakefulness. Trungpa Rinpoche

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Mars Retrograde. With this being a bit of a quieter week astrologically, we may want to pay attention to what we're beginning to become aware of - in order to move ourselves into a much healthier direction - especially with warrior Mars stationing retrograde last week, Tuesday June 6. During the next eight weeks with Mars retrograde; we can re-experience a flow of overstimulated sensitivities, nervous tension, impatience, competitiveness, anger, anxiety, rebellion, defensiveness, suffocated, detachment, depression along with high winds and fierce weather. Something (or someone) will manage to compete with our ego, challenging our reasons and beliefs for our particular path; indirectly forcing us to confront our own spirit and individual purpose.

Old feelings and unresolved emotional situations from the past will be boiling and can come to the surface. Have you felt it rising? Our cup has overfloweth, which illuminates a lit fire in our belly - but what will we do with it? Before becoming inflamed with what (or who) will be challenging our choices and path... we could actually learn more about ourselves, by slowly stepping away from the fires of fury and retaliation. Seriously... has either ever resolved anything? But if we can cool down the ego by backing away from the intensity (where things tends to explode) - we can reshape the way we use our energy, while re-creating a new frequency level. And in taking responsibility for our own shift and growth, we can re-ignite new passion, re-produce our creativity and re-charge our motivation.

You cannot receive what you don't give. Outflow determines inflow. Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you already have, but unless you allow it to flow out, you won't even know that you have it. This includes abundance. Eckhart Tolle

How we approach life could be challenged under the fiery Aries Moon and a bold Mercury/Mars opposition on Thursday June 5. Some will use this transformative energy for arguing, forcing people out of the way and moving to the front of the line. Or, we can also continue to shine in all of our beauty; by remaining calm and doing what we do best. Improved confidence, new rewards and brighter dreams can be a huge influencer with a lucky Sun/Jupiter trine also on Thursday June 5, and a magical Sun/Neptune trine on Sunday June 8. May you shine brilliantly, despite of any struggle. Starcana weekly tarot: What falls apart, falls into place. [Tower/EightPents]. For more insight, check out your tarot cards in the July Tarotscope. ~Suzi

For a personalized intuitive reading, grounded advice and soulful guidance, Suzi Dronzek is available for professional phone & email consultations: Mon-Fri 10a-6m EST, and evenings til 8pm on Mon & Tues. Call 724-832-9283 or visit ©1995-2018 Starcana, Inc., All rights reserved. 18+ Entertainment Only. | I'm Social! Facebook | Facebook Page Twitter LinkedIn | Support My Writings


Which One Will You Feed | Astrology Horoscope


July 2018 Tarotscope, A Tarot Horoscope