Which One Will You Feed | Astrology Horoscope

This new week begins with an earthy Taurus Moon on July 9; encouraging us to keep our nose tight to the grindstone, and to the reality that we are building to secure.

If we can pause and simply close our eyes for this moment.. breathe slowly and deeply... in order to smell the smell the roses, and the good deeds of our efforts. How do you feel about the direction that has been created so far? Are you settled and completely satisfied with what you've built in your life? Or, could there be room for more work and a few improvements? And while you may already have your answer to this question... what is your heart trying to tell you? Close your eyes, breathe, and just listen.

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life: “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. ”It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil–he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you–and inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.” Two Wolves legend, unknown origin attributed to Native American

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Venus enters Virgo. Later Monday evening, the Love Goddess Venus will exit from expressive Leo after four creative weeks, and enter into analytical Virgo. Rather than remain comfortable in all of the glamour, heart and drama, we're about to get much more serious and grounded with our personal values, love relationships, money and investments. With Venus in Virgo, we'll work hard to figure out where all the beauty and growth exists in what we hold; although we can also be quite complaining and penny-pinching as well. Our resources will be kept on private reserve; keeping what we have, close to us - being careful to not give too much of ourselves away... or risk becoming unsettled, worried or sleepless.

Through analyzation of the next four weeks, we can gain a better awareness of how to measure and/or what to weed - so that we can make sense of what/who's worthy of our time and energy - and what/who isn't. And while we may expect others to step up their game, we are reminded that we too, need to be our very best as well.

To help us to prioritize better; unique opportunities, unexpected delights and strange encounters, along with realistic returns will be available under a pleasurable Venus/Uranus trine on Wednesday July 11, and a stabilizing Venus/Saturn trine on Saturday, July 14. Be aware of what we're attracting and receiving.

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. Dale Carnegie

Jupiter Stations Direct. As we're trying on a new look to match our earnings and indulgences - abundant Jupiter will station direct on Tuesday July 10... after four months in retrograde. This cosmic shift will open doors once again, allowing opportunities for growth and fortune to flow back into our lives again. Make quality time to practice gratitude; in appreciation for the vast beauty and divine wisdom from recent experiences - whether times were good, or not so good - because you've received blessings and/or life lessons.

In collecting memories of our recent journeys, we'll hopefully be able to know ourselves a little better, while possibly knowing others a little better as well. And with this new knowledge, we'll return back to where we last left off in March - being able to share ourselves more wholly - as Jupiter continues to transit through the deep, dark depths of the Scorpio realm.

I want to be the girl with the most cake. Doll Parts, Courtney M Love

Cancer New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Super Moon. As we attempt to adjust and find balance in this fluctuating energy this week, we may feel fatigued and drained as we approach the cosmic portal of the Cancer New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Super Moon on Thursday July 12.

While New Moons are usually ideal for setting intentions, making wishes and initiating on new dreams - this powerful Sun/Moon conjunction (along with a stormy Pluto Rx opposition) will influence chaos, crisis, endings, death, major changes and transformation. This intensity may be experienced in breakdowns, break-ups and/or breakthroughs.

Have you felt this tumultuous energy as it gains strength? Ecliptic vibrations continue to vibrate for three to six months. In these emotional/physical life-changing vibes, one door will be closing, so that a new door can open. In Cancer, we're transforming our nurturing, care, kindness and domestication - which can influence caretakers, empaths, mothers, protectors, self-care, creativity, chest/breasts, stomach, digestion, food preparation, comfort, duties, our emotional approach to responsibility, and how we take care of others and ourselves.

It is only through mystery and madness that the soul is revealed. Thomas Moore

We are positive and negative, light and darkness, storms and rainbows. Which one will you feed? Starcana weekly tarot: Underestimating the importance of togetherness, family and unity. [QueenPentsRX/TenCups]. For more insight, check out your personal tarot cards in the July Tarotscope.

On a personal note: My friend Joel Kauhl is battling prostate cancer, and he could use our prayers and some financial help. To help him, I'm sharing his personal story, hoping that someone will want to share a little help too. Please read his story on GoFundMe and I thank you for your kindness. ~Suzi xx

For a personalized intuitive reading, grounded advice and soulful guidance, Suzi Dronzek is available for professional phone & email consultations: Mon-Fri 10a-6m EST, and evenings til 8pm on Mon & Tues. Call 724-832-9283 or visit www.starcana.com ©1995-2018 Starcana, Inc., All rights reserved. 18+ Entertainment Only. | I'm Social! Facebook | Facebook Page Twitter LinkedIn | Support My Writings


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